Reading is an introvert’s best past time. Just grab a good book and the worries of the world take a backstage. Reading is a hobby which was once equated to an addiction (like the present generations love their gadgets). A well read person signified a learned and respectable gentleman whereas the frequent Traveller was dismissed off as a wanderer.
A book leaves a lot to your imagination and creative talent is another important quality of a bibliophile. It makes all things seem like they are happening around you and this experience even Mr. Disney and his team of delight seekers cannot compete (at half price). Just a book and a cuppa of coffee: you are sorted, just like that.
With the Advent of technology, grabbing a book (in my case, gone were the days of requesting the neighborhood bookseller to bring the happening book). Further with the Online Book Rental Library services providers like memozin can become the new haunts of the bookworms. It is also an Easy method to improve your vocabulary and qualify easily for competitive examinations. Also you learn to be emphatic and respect other’s actions. Longfellow rightly quipped that the life of great men are retained by the sands of time (or their reminenses in the written word). Earlier Guttenberg was the Lord of affordable books and today Amazon via it’s Kindle ( along with many other startups) has changed how we lap up the word of geniuses (if it was not transferred then we would had to start from point one).
The reading is both an expensive hobby in terms of cost as well as space. The Online Book Rental Library in india is a desire of many as it allows making the hobby affordable (and my mommy happy). Each book is like a recipe that leaves lovely memories in its wake. I have always tried to conduct a book party at my house with greed to get more books on my hand (and failed miserably). The only friend of mine exchanges her’s with mine yet the opportunity to explore the library remains missing. (She is more of a chicken soup kinda reader and I am more of a mystery seeker). I tried replacing my friend with my brother’s bestie (who turned out to be Ms. Romance) and was an avid reader for Indian masala fiction (again it is like visiting a fast food restaurant for me: you only like it if it’s rarely visited). I had once tried replacing books for television series and lost track of the melodrama after missing a few.
A Book rental library membership can help you manage the space, time as well as expenses required for the hobby. Plus you can subscribe it anywhere (my brother reads his books in the loo: he is a busy person socially). Also you learn to understand other’s mistakes (and avoid them). So when people take me for a simpleton, I have in me numerous guidance of learned citizens from their books and it is the matter of few words that can change their perception of me. And it is a never ending quest and thirst for knowledge. What’s more you can make a profession out of it (numerous people will pay you for reading their effort).
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